The 60 PARTY (Retrospective) Proud Lake State Recreation Area Saturday,
August 16, 2014 **
A Re-Gathering ** |
Party Central/Home Page (TEST - work in progress...forever??) This immediate purpose of this updated humble homemade website is to share photos and recordings from the 60 Party (held August 16, 2014) at Proud Lake State (Michigan) Recreation Area. However, this (now sprawling) website also includes pictures and music from previous reunion-type events [and is a work in progress (in fits and starts)]... (It will be modified, say, when there is an upcoming event to discuss (perhaps for some hypothetical mega-party in 2017, or whatever...)... The 60 Party was was held, at/around two "camper cabins" with decks overlooking the water, adjoining the woods, with a super cooperatively-provided BBQ tented buffet picnic, with the unique added bonus of great live music by our most excellent musicians/friends. There is an index webpage for the 60 Party, or you can go directly to pages for the photos and music video recordings from the event (if you are so inclined)... In the sharing spirit, also, to the left, are links to webpages for pictures and music/videos from previous reunion/reunion-type events, such as the 55 Party (2010), and the 50 Party (2004). Also provided is a link to the website made in the lead-up to the BHS Class of '72's 40th Reunion (Aug 2012), which has pictures and (other stuff). (To expand, following is a little more about what is available via this website and the links to the left...) Refer to the 55 Party page for links to photos and recordings from the event held July 31, 2010, at Kensington Park. The 55 Party Pictures are organized by photographer; to go to the index page for the pictures (click/press here). The live music recordings from the event are presented by artist/group (chronologically, the Front Street Blues Band w Greg Manning), Jan Krist, and the XBHS Jam Band (with an esteemed cast of thousands); {[click/press here for The 55 Party Music (index page)]. This page also links to pictures from the The 50 Party held in August 2004, at Kensington. BHS Class of '72, 40th Reunion (stuff)... Here is a link to a page centered on the BHS Class of '72, with links to a website made during the lead-up to the 40th Reunion (Aug 2012) and releated event/pictures/info/etd. That website (free, via Weebly) includes a Class of '72 pictures page, with pictures from previous BHS '72 Class Reunions, as well as some pictures that were posted on FB from the 40th Reunion events. The Class of '72 website also includes a page dedicated to those who, sadly, are no longer with us. Re FB...In addition, here is a link to a FB Group page created for the "Berkley High School Reunion Class of 72". FYI, people are free to post (whatever relevant stuff there may be to post...). ...And... since this page includes several of the links available via this is a link to the FB Group page for the "60 Party 2014" [with selected pictures and music videos from the event (and where people are also free to post additional party pictures, comments, ideas, etc...)]. FYI: For privacy purposes, peoples' full names are not used and email addresses are not posted on the website and avoided on FB. ...and...there are also pages for some TMI (about this website..., privacy, etc.), a contact us page, and a place holder for an additional links page.
TMI Alert: (Actually, you are likely to find "TMI" most anywhere on this website...including below...)
TMI re 23 Why?! Well, the days of having a free website via Comcast are ending in a month or so (and we were running out of space anyway), originally developed in the lead-up for the 55 Party, so we finally had to pay for the (now sprawling) website... A new domain name was required and "a href="">" was selected (concise, for once...)..."and here we are"... The purpose of the website going forward is to continue to share photos and live music videos from the events. (Hypothetically, when a future reunion-type of event is instigated...this website would/will provide an easy way to facilitate it. (Even though at this point I just can't make this website look as cool as I could imagine, it's been fun to figure out how to do this much, as a means of sharing photos/music/videos, etc., with more freedom, privacy and control than afforded by FB and other websites, and I look forward to gaining more skills, time permitting, etc.) P.S. Extra TMI//span>Personal Note. This website exists because (sg) wanted to learn more about websites and, leading into the 55 Party, it was very useful for the event (with the handy internet/smart-phone-based summaries of who was bringing what, etc.), and it was relatively easy to modify for the 60 Party, for which it was also VERY useful at critical moments. This has kind of become a sprawling website, with pictures/music+ from 4+ events as this point, but hopefully it has been left simple enough to be user-friendly... I think it's cool/useful to be able to post pics and videos, and be 1-2 clicks away at any time from showing (whatever) to (whomever), and not (be subject to FB considerations). Thanks to all who helped pull in the same direction for this (and previous) events; the fact that the event(s) was cooperative in nature made it relatively easy and fun for everyone! (Thanks also for bearing with the "stream-of-consciousness" style.) I hope you enjoy the (materials)! Steve G.