View from western "Camper Cabin"  

The 60 PARTY "Convention"

Proud Lake State Recreation Area

Saturday, August 16, 2014
Noon to 6:00

** A Re-Gathering **
** A Cooperative Event **




 event info 



 attendees/intendees (you are here!) 

 Proud Lake SRA info

 "too much info"

 55 Party (Pictures/Videos)

 contact us

 privacy issues


Additional links:



Attendees/Intendees Page (as of August 14)

Purpose of this page:  To summarize what we know about who is planning to come.

This list is focused on people who have indicated they intend to attend. It is as up to date as memory permits. Please update/correct, as applicable, and/or touch base when you get a chance. Sorry if anything is inaccurate; we are trying not to be presumptuous... People who are listed as "maybe" indicated that on Facebook.

We are abbreviating last names with hints; sorry for any inconvenience. Please update your status, as appropriate. If you are planning to come and are not listed, let us know. If your name is on the list and you know you can't come, also please let us know.

To update, please email us (at  We will update the list every weekend; more often when possible.

There may be people who you'd like to see who may not have even been contacted.  It may be up to you to contact them if you want to see them, as this is sort of a chain party (overlapping circles of friends/families invited by each other).  Feel free to refer your friends to this website for more info, etc.

Last Name Clue:

First Name

Intend to Attend?

Not Heard From Lately


Ade Bruce yes   registered
Ad Dave/Martha yes registered
Ak Jane Lev (would love to)   (can't)
All Ted and Pearl yes    
Berm Martin/Johanna yes   (helped ID party site)
B-G Vicki yes   with family
Bl Steve can't   will Skype in
Bou Joyce M maybe X per FB
Co Roger yes  
bought plane tickets
Cut Will ? X  
Den Cynthia maybe X per FB
Ed Nadine A yes   not sure about Jeff
For Bill yes  
Fr-Fl Sheree yes   has arrived in town
Fr Harriet seemed so X  
G Steve yes "Let's Convene!"
Gi Cathy Fr trying   (last minute)
Gold Diane (& John Mill) yes driving up
Gran Jeff yes will play
Gr Alan trying X reportedly
Gr Sue trying X reportedly
Gum Bruce & Dawn yes    
Hall Shellye D trying   will if can
Hal Jeff maybe X per FB
(IJ) Irv yes despite bad knee(s)
Ir Paul/Annie yes   will play
Jac Mark/Barbara (Wen) yes    
John Char Mill yes    
K Doug (DMK) yes   will if can
Ker Collette R maybe x per FB
LaV Larry maybe X per FB
Lip Lynn Tar will see if can    
L Jeff ?    
Man Greg (G-Man!) yes   will play
Mar Cheryl maybe X per FB
Mar Kevin Scott yes   bought plane ticket
Mat Susan P maybe X per FB
Max Wendy not looking good now  
McN Kevin yes  
Met Joanie yes X per FB
Mose Al yes   registered
My Bruce yes   registered
My Carl seems interested X (per Dave)
O'Sull Greg S maybe   "might make the trip out"
Pearl Bob yes no-salt
Pen Caryn yes
Perl Bill  yes will fill gap(s)
Po Carol C yes will come early, bringing friends
Po Steve yes    
Ron Dot (think so) X trying to figure out logistics
Rose Lynn (Lynhalpro) & Mark yes will come early
Sch Randy and Kathy yes    
Rick and Nancy yes   doing a lot
S Nathan yes
Sch Cheryl W (think so) X (last minute)
See Dianne F ? X has indicated both no and yes
She Brian and Linda yes   chipped in
Sh Gary would be there but can't  
St Larry yes  
V Fern M and Tom yes

doing a LOT
Wai John ? ("you never know")
Wal Karen G yes    
Win Eric yes  
Waz Bob and Marsha yes (registered)
Z Gail trying may not be possible

NOTE:  If for any reason you do not want your name to appear on this list, or to change the name ("hint") shown for you, PLEASE let us know ASAP, via email or otherwise.

(If you are confused by an abbreviation, you could send an email, and we can probably let you know who we are talking about.  Thank you for your understanding about privacy.)